What Is the Best Roast for Kenyan Coffee Beans?

What Is the Best Roast for Kenyan Coffee Beans?

Kenyan coffee beans are among the most sought-after beans in the specialty coffee market. It’s not hard to see why. Coffees in Kenya are grown in high altitudes and in volcanic, nutrient-rich soil. Moreover, they receive even rainfall throughout the year and undergo a double-washing process that ensures their high quality. These factors contribute to the bright and clean fruitiness that Kenyan coffee beans are known for.

However, no matter how good the coffee beans are, the roasting process can change them – for better or for worse. That’s why roasting is an essential process. It can unlock the bean’s potential to create a fantastic brew, or it can burn all its flavors away.

This brings us to our question: What is the best roast for Kenyan coffee beans?

Factors at play for roasting Kenyan coffee beans

Before we determine the best roast for Kenyan coffee beans, let’s look at the factors that affect roast quality.

The most important factor to consider is the coffee grade. For example, a Kenyan AA grade coffee is large and dense and may need more time and heat while roasting than a Kenyan AB grade.

The other aspect is how the bean was processed. Washed coffee beans usually taste differently from beans that have gone through other processing methods such as the natural process.

So, what then is the best roast for coffee beans from Kenya?

The best roast for Kenyan coffee beans…

…Is whatever roast you want for your coffee. Whether you prefer light, medium, or dark roast, there’s always a batch of Kenyan coffee beans for you to enjoy.

At Exilior, we offer our coffees in different roast profiles. Our Savannah coffee comes in a light-to-medium roast. It highlights the bean’s sweetness and vibrance and gives it a tropical aroma.

On the other hand, our Champion coffee has a medium-to-dark roast profile. This roast underlines the bean’s bold, berry flavor without losing its crisp, citrusy notes.

And if you want dark-roasted coffee, you can try our Binti – strong yet sweet, with a hint of spice and chocolate.

No matter what roast profile you prefer, there’s always a batch of Kenyan coffee beans waiting for you to enjoy. But don’t take our word for it. Check out Exilior’s coffee beans and try them for yourself.

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