Exilior Commits to B Corp Climate Collective’s Net Zero 2030

Exilior Commits to B Corp Climate Collective’s Net Zero 2030

Our planet is getting warmer. A layer of greenhouse gases (GHG) blankets the Earth’s atmosphere. It’s keeping temperatures up and rising further. According to NASA, 2021 set the record as the sixth hottest year in more than a century.

Global warming is a phenomenon we all need to be concerned about. Rising temperatures due to carbon emissions lead to around 7 million deaths every year. Extreme weather events put more lives in danger. One in four species faces the threat of extinction. And food security becomes a greater challenge.

All these issues can be stopped with extreme reduction of carbon emissions. For this reason, Exilior joins other Certified B Corporations in Net Zero 2030.


What is Net Zero 2030?

Net Zero 2030 is the most aggressive climate action effort by a network of businesses across the globe. Its aim is for participating companies to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030, 20 years before the date set in the Paris Agreement. In doing so, we can limit global warming to 1.5C (34.7F) and avoid its catastrophic consequences.

What does net zero mean? It means that for every molecule of GHG we release into the atmosphere, we must take one out. Businesses can achieve net-zero through various ways. These include switching to renewable energy; using energy-efficient tools, appliances, and machinery; and using sustainable materials in production.

By joining Net Zero 2030, businesses are expected to:

  • Make a public pledge at the highest level of leadership to commit to the movement.

  • Create a plan with stakeholders to reach the net-zero target 12 months after making the pledge.

  • Proceed immediately with the plan and tweak it as they go along to reach the target.

  • Publish a progress report on the company’s website, blog, and sustainability report at least once a year.

Corporations that have made the Net Zero 2030 pledge include The Body Shop, Patagonia, and Microsoft. In Portland, Portland General Electric and Green Hammer are among the companies that have made a similar commitment.


Net Zero 2030 fits in with the Exilior’s Do Good, Do Well philosophy.

Committing to Net Zero 2030 is keeping with Exilior’s Do Good, Do Well philosophy. Based on our experience working directly with Kenyan coffee farmers, we know how vulnerable they are to global warming and climate change. Coffee farms in Kenya face challenges such as severe drought, irregular rainfall, soil erosion, and rising temperatures. These issues have a negative impact on Kenya’s coffee industry and the country’s entirety.

Exilior actively supports projects empowering Kenya’s youth. We can’t say we care about our young people if we do not leave them a world they can safely live in. We reaffirm our commitment to make a positive impact through our coffee business by making the Net Zero 2030 pledge.

Join us in our mission by purchasing Exilior coffee. You can get our coffee through our partners or directly from our shop.

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